Biosolarization is an alternative technology to soil fumigation used in agriculture. It is closely related to biofumigation and soil solarization, or the use of solar power to control nematodes, bacteria, fungi and other pests that damage crops.[1] In solarization, the soil is mulched and covered with a tarp to trap solar radiation and heat the soil to a temperature that kills pests. Biosolarization adds the use of organic amendments or compost to the soil before it is covered with plastic, which speeds up the solarization process by decreasing the soil treatment time through increased microbial activity.[2] Research conducted in Spain on the use of biosolarization in strawberry fruit production has shown it to be a sustainable and cost effective option.[3][4] The practice of biosolarization is being used among small agricultural operations in California.[5] Biosolarization is a growing practice in response to the need for methods for organic soil solarization. The option for more widespread use of biosolarization is being studied by researchers at the Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety at the University of California at Davis in order to validate the effectiveness of biosolarization in commercial agriculture in California, where it has the potential to greatly reduce the use of conventional fumigants. Biosolarization can also use as organic waste management practice. Recent studies showed the potential of food industrial residues as soil amendments that can improve the efficiency of biosolarization.[6][7]


  1. Stapleton, James J.; Elmore, Clyde L.; DeVay, James E. (2000-11-01). "Solarization and biofumigation help disinfest soil". California Agriculture. 54 (6): 42–45. doi:10.3733/ca.v054n06p42. ISSN 0008-0845.
  2. Simmons, Christopher W.; Guo, Hongyun; Claypool, Joshua T.; Marshall, Megan N.; Perano, Kristen M.; Stapleton, James J.; VanderGheynst, Jean S. (May 2013). "Managing compost stability and amendment to soil to enhance soil heating during soil solarization". Waste Management. 33 (5): 1090–1096. Bibcode:2013WaMan..33.1090S. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2013.01.015. PMID 23422041.
  3. Chamorro, M.; Miranda, L.; Domínguez, P.; Medina, J. J.; Soria, C.; Romero, F.; López Aranda, J. M.; De los Santos, B. (January 2015). "Evaluation of biosolarization for the control of charcoal rot disease (Macrophomina phaseolina) in strawberry". Crop Protection. 67: 279–286. doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2014.10.021.
  4. Chamorro, M.; Domínguez, P.; Medina, J. J.; Miranda, L.; Soria, C.; Romero, F.; López Aranda, J. M.; Daugovish, O.; Mertely, J. (2015-08-31). "Assessment of chemical and biosolarization treatments for the control of Macrophomina phaseolina in strawberries". Scientia Horticulturae. 192: 361–368. doi:10.1016/j.scienta.2015.03.029. S2CID 82769506.
  5. "Advances in Biosolarization Technology to Improve Soil Health and Organic Control of Soilborne Pests". Proceedings of the Organic Agricultural Research Symposium, 2016. James J. Stapleton , Ruth M. Dahlquist-Willard, Yigal Achmon, Megan N. Marshall, Jean S. VanderGheynst, and Christopher W. Simmons. available at:
  6. Achmon, Yigal; Fernández‐Bayo, Jesús D.; Hernandez, Katie; McCurry, Dlinka G.; Harrold, Duff R.; Su, Joey; Dahlquist‐Willard, Ruth M.; Stapleton, James J.; VanderGheynst, Jean S. (2017-05-01). "Weed seed inactivation in soil mesocosms via biosolarization with mature compost and tomato processing waste amendments". Pest Management Science. 73 (5): 862–873. doi:10.1002/ps.4354. ISSN 1526-4998. PMID 27391139.
  7. Achmon, Yigal; Harrold, Duff R.; Claypool, Joshua T.; Stapleton, James J.; Vandergheynst, Jean S.; Simmons, Christopher W. (2016-02-01). "Assessment of tomato and wine processing solid wastes as soil amendments for biosolarization". Waste Management. 48: 156–164. Bibcode:2016WaMan..48..156A. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2015.10.022. ISSN 0956-053X. PMID 26525530.
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