Bartolomeu Constantin Săvoiu (born 18 February 1945 in Bucharest) is a general in the reserves of the Romanian Land Forces, as well as Grand Master of the Romanian National Grand Lodge 1880 (M.L.N.R. 1880) within the Romanian freemasonry. He is also a French citizen.[1] In 2017, he became president of the newly founded Alliance Law and Order. A center-right party, its stated goal is the defense of the national identity of Romania, of the Judeo-Christian common religious roots and heritage, of Western society and of Judeo-Christian Europe. In January 2023, his Party merged with Romanian Party A.D.E.R. and formed A.D.E.R. - Lege si Ordine Party, becoming Co-President. The Party is center-right, nationalist, patriotic, defending the values of God, Motherland, Family, Work, Respect of the human rights, Education.

He is the unique spiritual heir of Licio Gelli.[2]


  1. (in Romanian) Ondine Gherguț, "Venerabilul mason, generalul Săvoiu din partidul rezerviştilor serviciilor secrete: 'Voiculescu, Becali, PSD, PNL sunt prăduitori'. Vezi despre cine a spus că e cinstit", România Liberă, March 7, 2013; accessed June 26, 2014
  2. ""Io, l'erede del progetto di Gelli": annuncio del gran maestro romeno. "Investito da lui"". La Nazione. December 22, 2015. Retrieved March 6, 2023.
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