Andrzej Leder in 2012

Andrzej Leder (born 1960) is a Polish philosopher of culture, practicing psychotherapist, and internationally recognized expert on Polish cultural history.[1][2][3][4]


Andrzej Leder, the son of Witold Leder and Ewa Lipińska,[5] graduated from the Medical University of Warsaw, and in philosophy from the University of Warsaw.[6] He then obtained his doctorate from the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, supervised by Professor Józef Niżnik. He has worked at the latter institute since 1996, including from 2010 as an associate professor.

Leder engages regularly in public debates on culture and memory in Poland. He has contributed to the periodical Res Publica Nowa from 1992 to 2012,[6] and more recently to the weekly magazine Ozon.[7]

In 2015, his book The Sleepwalkers’ Revolution was nominated for the prestigious Polish Nike Award,[8] and also for the Kazimierz Moczarski History Award.[9]

Selected works

  • Przemiana mitów, czyli życie w epoce schyłku. Zbiór esejów (Warsaw: OPEN Publishing, 1997), translated as The Changing Guise of Myths: Philosophical Essays (Peter Lang GmbH, 2013)
  • Nieświadomość jako pustka ("Unawareness as Emptiness"; Warsaw: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 2001)
  • Nauka Freuda w epoce Sein und Zeit ("The Teachings of Freud during the Sein und Zeit Period"; Warsaw: Aletheia Publishing, 2007)
  • Prześniona rewolucja. Ćwiczenia z logiki historycznej ("The Sleepwalkers’ Revolution: Exercises in Historical Logic"; Warsaw: Krytyka Polityczna, 2014)
  • Rysa na tafli ("Scratch on the Glass"; Warsaw: Polish Scientific Publishers PWN, 2016)
  • Był kiedyś postmodernizm... Sześć esejów o schyłku XX stulecia ("Once Upon A Time, Postmodernism... Six Essays on the Late 20th Century"; Warsaw: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 2018)

See also


  1. Masha Gessen (26 March 2021). "The Historians Under Attack for Exploring Poland's Role in the Holocaust". The New Yorker.
  2. Martin Sander (1 July 2019). "Andrzej Leder: "Polen im Wachtraum", Kollektives Verharren im Opferstatus". Deutschlandfunk Kultur.
  3. Ivo Mijnssen (18 September 2019). "Polens Bürgertum entstand durch Krieg und Vertreibung, die verdrängte Schuld lähmt sein Denken : Der Warschauer Intellektuelle Andrzej Leder sieht die heftigen politischen Auseinandersetzungen in Polen als Folge der unbewältigten Geschichte. Dabei litten sowohl Liberale als auch Nationalkonservative an Gedächtnisschwund". Neue Zürcher Zeitung.
  4. "Andrzej Leder : « Deux solipsismes de Levinas »". Université Paris Nanterre. October 2021.
  5. Stefan Leder; Witold Leder (2005). Czerwona nić: ze wspomnień i prac rodziny Lederów. Warsaw: Iskry.
  6. 1 2 "Andrzej Leder". 17 April 2014. Archived from the original on 2014-04-17. Retrieved 2022-05-26.
  7. Jakub Górnicki (30 April 2014). "Prasa: "Ozon" - dociera głębiej?". Archived from the original on 2014-04-13. Retrieved 2022-05-26.
  8. "nominacje do Nagrody Literackiej Nike 2015". 26 July 2015.
  9. "Nagroda Moczarskiego 2015: oto nominowani i jurorzy". 16 November 2015.

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