Ali al-Kourani
Born1944 (age 7980)
DenominationTwelver Shi'a
ProfessionMuslim scholar
RelativesHossein al-Korani (brother)
Muslim leader
Influenced by
ProfessionMuslim scholar

Ali al-Kourani (Arabic: علي الكوراني) is a Lebanese Shia scholar cleric. He was born in 1944 in Yater (Lebanon) In Jabal Amel, migrating to Najaf, Iraq to study in a hawza in 1958.

In 1967, Grand Ayatollah Muhsin al-Hakim sent him to Kuwait to educate Shia people.[1] He returned to Lebanon in 1974, and established a mosque and a hospital. He lived in Lebanon until 1980. After the Islamic Revolution in Iran, he moved to Qom, Iran. He established center of Fiqhi Lexicon (Arabic: معجم فقهى) and Mustafa Center for Religious Studies (Arabic: مرکز المصطفى للدراسات الدینیه) in Qom.[2][3]

His teachers


Most of his research in hadiths is focused on Imam Mahdi, his appearance and the circumstances of the world before his coming. Over the recent years, he has been frequently interviewed in Shia communities for providing political analysis of Middle East developments in the light of End Time Hadiths. He believes that according to prophecies the recent events in Mid-East are prelude to appearance of Imam Mahdi. For example, he holds that creation of a group which closely resembles ISIS has been prophesied in Shia narrations, particularly in a hadith from Ali ibn Abi Talib. As for the utopian government of Mahdi, he stresses it will incomparable to existing governments of the world.[4][5]


He has written many books, many of them listed below:

  • Epoch of Appearance (Arabic: عصرالظهور) is the most famous book of Ali Al-Kourani. This book is written in Arabic. This book is about the events that occur before the appearance of Imam Mahdi in Shia beliefs. In this book he describes the fate of nations and ethnicities, such as Iran, Yemen, Egypt, Iraq, Romans, Turks, Jews and Arabsat in the End time according to the Shia and Sunni narrations. Also in a part of the book he mentions a Sunni viewpoint about Imam Mahdi.[6]
  • Smoothing of Appearance of Mahdi (Arabic: الممهدون للمهدی)
  • Saint Peter in Islamic Narrations (Arabic: شمعون الصفا وصي المسيح(ع) وجد الإمام المهدي(ع)لأمه)
  • Imam Hasan al-Askari Father of Imam Mahdi (Arabic: الإمام الحسن العسكري(ع) والد الإمام المهدي الموعود)
  • Questions About Mahdaviat (Arabic: أسئلةٌ مهدوية)
  • To Know and Love Allah Almighty (Arabic: في معرفة الله تعالى وحبه عز وجل)
  • Answer to the Suspicion of Sheikh and Sayed in the Vision of Imam al-Mahdi (Arabic: جواب على شبهة شيخ وسيد في رؤية الإمام المهدي)
  • Description of Al-Yasin Prayer (Arabic: شرح زيارة آل ياسين)
  • Life of Imam Ali al-Hadi is Full of Jihad and Miracles (Arabic: الإمام علي الهادي (ع) عمر حافل بالجهاد والمعجزات)
  • Vocabulary Words of the Quran Raghib Isfahani with Notes (Arabic: مفردات ألفاظ القرآن للراغب الاصفهاني مع ملاحظات)
  • Imam Muhammad al-Jawad
  • Dajjal of Basra
  • Three Births (Arabic: الولادات الثلاث)
  • Egypt and Ahl Al-Bayt
  • New Reading About Islamic Conquests (Arabic: قراءاة جديد للفتوحات الاسلامية)(Two volumes)
  • Reading the New Wars of Apostasy (Arabic: قراءة جديدة لحروب الردة)
  • Islamic Beliefs (Arabic: العقائد الإسلامية) (Five volumes)
  • The Victory (Arabic: الانتصار) (Nine volumes)
  • Jewel of History (Arabic: جواهر التاريخ)
  • The Thousand Questions and Forms on the Violators of the Ahl Al-Bayt (Arabic: ألف سؤال واشكال على المخالفين لأهل البيت الطاهرين)(Three volumes)
  • The Knowledge of Allah (Arabic: معرفه الله)
  • Codification of the Quran (Arabic: تدوين القرآن)
  • The Lexicon Substantive Ahadith of Imam Mahdi (Arabic: المعجم الموضوعي لأحاديث الإمام المهدي عليه السلام)
  • How Shias Responded to the Mongol Invasion (Arabic: كيف ردَّ الشيعة غزو المغول)
  • Quran of Ali
  • Interpretation of the Three Verses of Ghadir (Arabic: تفسير آيات الغدير الثلاث)
  • The Quraysh Conflict with the Prophet (Arabic: صراع قريش مع النبي)
  • In Search of Light (Arabic: بحـثـاً عـن النــور)
  • Tidings of the Prophet To Twelve Imams (Arabic: بشارة النبي (ص) بالأئمة الإثني عشر)
  • The Book of Truth is Set Forth in the Knowledge of the Infallible (Arabic: کتاب الحق المبين في معرفة المعصومين)
  • Response to Extremist Fatwas (Arabic: الرد على الفتاوى المتطرفة)
  • Verses of Qadir
  • From Prayers of Prophet (Arabic: من أدعية الحبيب المصطفى)
  • Human Rights at the Ahl Al-Bayt (Arabic: حقوق الإنسان عند أهل البيت)
  • Point of View About Marja' (Arabic: نظرات الى المرجعية)
  • A Book About Ahmad Al-Katib (Arabic: الموظف الدولي)
  • Rosary of Karbala (Arabic: سبحة كربلاء)
  • What is Narrated in Oversight of the Prophet and His Sleep (Arabic: ما رُوِيَ في سهو النبي صلى الله عليه وآله ونومه)
  • Fruits of Ideas (Arabic: ثمار الأفكار)
  • Ali al-Akbar ibn Husayn Was Similar to His Grandfather Mustafa
  • Islamic Unity from the Viewpoint of the Ahl Al-Bayt (Arabic: الوحـدة الإسلاميـة من وجهـة نظـر أهل البيت)
  • Write Down on My Winding Sheet (Arabic: أكتبوا على كفني)
  • Sirah Rasul Allah Among Ahl Al-Bayt (Three volumes)
  • Epoch of Shia
  • Imam Musa al-Kadhim the Lord of Baghdad
  • To the Seeker of Knowledge (His Biography) (Arabic: إلى طالب العلم)
  • Arab Tribal Series in Iraq (Arabic: سلسلة القبائل العربية في العراق) (Ten volumes)
  • Pearls of Grammar (Arabic: دُرَرُ النَّحْو)[2]

See also


  1. Louër, Laurence (2012). Transnational Shia politics : religious and political networks in the Gulf (Repr. ed.). London: Hurst. pp. 111–4. ISBN 9781849042147.
  2. 1 2 موقع سماحة الشيخ علي الكوراني العاملي – السيرة الذاتية Archived 19 November 2010 at the Wayback Machine – Biography (in Arabic)
  3. "Ayatollah Sheikh Ali Kourani Ameli". Tebyan. Retrieved 8 January 2015.
  4. Al-Kourani, Ali. "The emergence of "ISIS" is a sign of the approaching advent of Imam Mahdi" (Interview). Interviewed by Shia-Online. Archived from the original on 10 February 2015. Retrieved 7 January 2015.
  5. Al-Kourani, Ali. "Point of Imam Ali to ISIS" (Interview). Interviewed by Shafaqna.
  6. Kourani, Ali. Asr Zohor. Translated by Haqi, Mahdi. Institute of Research and publication of sciences of Ahl Al Bayt. ISBN 964-497-007-1.
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