6th Moscow International Film Festival
LocationMoscow, Soviet Union
AwardsGrand Prix
Festival date7–22 July 1969

The 6th Moscow International Film Festival was held from 7 to 22 July 1969.[1] The Golden Prizes were awarded to the Cuban film Lucía directed by Humberto Solás, the Italian film Serafino directed by Pietro Germi and the Soviet film We'll Live Till Monday directed by Stanislav Rostotsky.


Films in competition

The following films were selected for the main competition:

English title Original title Director(s) Production country
The Brothers KaramazovBratya KaramazovyIvan PyryevSoviet Union
Jazz All AroundMidt i en jazztidKnud Leif ThomsenDenmark
Time to LiveLe Temps de vivreBernard PaulFrance
PlaytimePlaytimeJacques TatiFrance, Italy
Scorched EarthBrent jordKnut AndersenNorway
2000 Weeks2000 WeeksTim BurstallAustralia
2001: A Space Odyssey2001: A Space OdysseyStanley KubrickGreat Britain, United States
WallsFalakAndrás KovácsHungary
Diary of a German WomanDu bist min (Ein deutsches Tagebuch)Annelie Thorndike, Andrew ThorndikeEast Germany
We'll Live Till MondayДоживём до понедельника, Dozhivyom do ponedelnikaStanislav RostotskySoviet Union
Palaver (film)PalaverEmile DegelinBelgium
A Woman for a SeasonO femeie pentru un anotimpGheorghe VitanidisRomania
Here, Beneath the North StarTäällä Pohjantähden allaEdvin LaineFinland
CabascaboCabascaboOumarou GandaNiger
When You Hear the BellsKad čuješ zvonaAntun VrdoljakYugoslavia
The Lanfier ColonyKolonie LanfieriJan SchmidtCzechoslovakia, Soviet Union
The CorridorKorridorenJan HalldoffSweden
A Taste of Fearشئ من الخوفHussein KamalEgypt
LucíaLucíaHumberto SolásCuba
Oliver!Oliver!Carol ReedGreat Britain
Colonel WolodyjowskiPan WolodyjowskiJerzy HoffmanPoland
Ayúdeme usted compadreAyúdeme usted compadreGermán BeckerChile
River Without a BridgeHashi no nai kawaTadashi ImaiJapan
Nawab SirajuddaulaNawab sirajuddaulaKhan Ataur RahmanPakistan
The Wanton of SpainLa celestinaCésar Fernández ArdavínSpain, West Germany
SerafinoSerafinoPietro GermiItaly, France
Simón BolívarSimón BolívarAlessandro BlasettiItaly, Spain
Megh-o-roudraMegh-o-roudraArundhati DeviIndia
Seven Days GraceSieben Tage FristAlfred VohrerWest Germany
TangoTangoVasil MirchevBulgaria
Brief HeavenBreve cieloDavid José KohonArgentina
MorningOglooDejidiin JigjidMongolia



  1. "6th Moscow International Film Festival (1969)". MIFF. Archived from the original on 16 January 2013. Retrieved 17 December 2012.
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