Fevzi Çakmak

The 3rd cabinet of executive ministers of Turkey (19 May 1921 – 9 July 1922 ) was the third government formed by the nationalists during the Turkish War of Independence. The Republic was not yet proclaimed and the government was called İcra vekilleri heyeti ("cabinet of executive ministers")


The chairman of the cabinet (equivalent to prime minister) was Fevzi Pasha (later named Çakmak) who also acted as the Minister of Defense and later as the Minister of The Chief of staff after 3 August 1921. Both Fevzi Pasha and the other members of the cabinet were elected by the parliament one by one. Since Fevzi Pasha was also the chairman of the previous cabinet, this cabinet was a revision of the former cabinet.

The government

In the list below, the name in parathesis is the surname the cabinet members assumed later.(see Surname Law of 1934)

Title[1] Name Dates
ChairmanFevzi (Çakmak)
Ministry of Sharia and the FoundationsMustafa Fehmi (Gerçeker)
Abdullah Azmi (Torun)
19 May 1921 – 27 April 1922
27 April 1922 – 9 July 1922
Minister of JusticeRefik Şevket (İnce)
Minister of General Staffİsmet (İnönü)
Fevzi (Çakmak)
19 May 1921 – 3 August 1921
3 August 1921 – 9 July 1922
Minister of DefenseFevzi (Çakmak)
Refet (Bele)
Kazım (Özalp)
19 May 1921 - 5 August 1921
5 August 1921 -14 January 1922
14 January 1922 -9 July 1922
Minister of InteriorAta (Atalay)
Refet (Bele)
Ali Fethi (Okyar)
19 May 1921 January 1921 -30 June 1921
30 June 1921 - 10 October 1921
10 October 1921- 9 July 1922
Minister of Foreign AffairsYusuf Kemal Bey ( Tengirşenk)
Minister of EconomyCelal (Bayar)
Sırrı (Day)
Hasan (Saka)
19 May 1921 - 1 January 1922
14 January 1922 - 11 May 1922
11 May 1922 - 9 July 1922
Minister of FinanceHasan (Saka)
Hasan Fehmi (Ataç)
19 May 1921 - 22 April 1922
22 April 1922- 9 July 1922
Minister of EducationHamdullah Suphi (Tanrıöver)
Mehmet Vehbi (Bolak)
19 May 1921 – 20 November 1921
20 November 1921 – 9 July 1922
Minister of Public WorksÖmer Lütfi (Argeşo)
Rauf (Orbay)
Fevzi (Pirinççioğlu)
19 May 1921- 21 November 1921
21 November 1921- 14 January 1922
14 January 1922 – 9 July 1922
Minister of Health and Social SolidarityRefik (Saydam)
Rıza Nur
19 May 1921- 24 December 1921
24 January 1921 – 9 July 1922


  1. "Prime minister's page". Archived from the original on 2014-02-26. Retrieved 2016-10-05.
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