2021 Hong Kong Charter
2021 Hong Kong Charter
FounderNathan Law, Ted Hui, Baggio Leung, Sunny Cheung, Ray Wong, Brian Leung, Glacier Kwong, Alex Chow
Official language
English, Traditional Chinese

2021 Hong Kong Charter is a political charter initiated by Hong Kong activists and politicians Nathan Law, Ted Hui, Baggio Leung, Sunny Cheung, Ray Wong, Brian Leung, Glacier Kwong, and Alex Chow, who went into self-exile abroad after Hong Kong national security law became effective. Its purpose is to unite Hongkongers around the world.[1][2]

Numerous overseas Hong Kong groups and individuals are signatories of the charter.


The charter is divided into four parts, namely "The belief of the Diasporic Hongkongers", "Hong Kong", "China", and "The World".[3] The signatories are mainly Hongkongers living overseas[3]

Removal by Wix

In late May to early June, 2021, Hong Kong police requested Wix, the then-service provider of 2021 Hong Kong Charter's website, to take down the site on the grounds of violating the Hong Kong national security law.[4] It went offline shortly after. On 3 June, Wix replied and apologized on Twitter that 2021 Hong Kong Charter was mistakenly removed and had returned normal.[5]

Blockage in Hong Kong

Since 18 June 2021, some local ISP users reported they could not browse the website of 2021 Hong Kong Charter. Sources said local ISP received order from the police and prevented users from accessing the website from 18 June.[6] Initiators of the website said it was blocked on 19 June. Police refused to comment.[7]


The security bureau of Hong Kong said Hong Kong national security law is applicable overseas. Initiators of the charter would still be arrested if they violate the law.[8]


  1. "海外8人推《2021香港約章》團結抗共 | 蘋果日報". 2021-03-17. Archived from the original on 2021-03-17. Retrieved 2021-06-21.
  2. "重奪香港!流亡港人發起《香港約章》籲團結抵抗強權 | 國際". 新頭殼 Newtalk (in Chinese). 2021-03-15. Archived from the original on 2021-06-24. Retrieved 2021-06-21.
  3. 1 2 "8 海外港人發起《2021 香港約章》願團結港人 防香港抗爭泡沬化 | 立場報道 | 立場新聞". 2021-06-21. Archived from the original on 2021-06-21. Retrieved 2021-06-21.
  4. "羅冠聰:2021香港約章網站被下架 | 兩岸 | 中央社 CNA". www.cna.com.tw (in Chinese). Retrieved 2021-06-26.
  5. "「香港約章 2021」網站復活 網站供應商就錯誤刪網致歉 港警曾去信供應商要求下架 | 立場報道 | 立場新聞". 立場新聞 Stand News. Archived from the original on 2021-06-28. Retrieved 2021-06-26.
  6. 鄭秋玲, 孔繁栩 (2021-06-18). "國安法一年|「香港約章」網站再被禁 消息︰港電訊商被勒令封網". 香港01 (in Chinese (Hong Kong)). Archived from the original on 2021-06-18. Retrieved 2021-06-21.
  7. "2021 香港約章網站疑遭禁 本港用 VPN 方可瀏覽 發起人羅冠聰:港人將面對資訊壁壘 | 立場報道 | 立場新聞". 立場新聞 Stand News. Archived from the original on 2021-06-21. Retrieved 2021-06-21.
  8. "流亡港人發起《2021香港約章》 保安局:國安法有域外效力違者必究 (23:09) - 20210315 - 港聞". 即時新聞. Archived from the original on 2021-06-24. Retrieved 2021-06-21.
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