Match officials for the 2019 Cricket World Cup were selected by the ICC's umpire selection panel. The panel selected 16 umpires to officiate at the tournament, four from Australia, five from England, four from Asia, and one from each of New Zealand, South Africa and West Indies. It also selected six match referees for the event.[1]


Out of the selected umpires, twelve were part of the Elite Panel of ICC Umpires with the remaining four on the International Panel.[1] Ian Gould, an Elite panel umpire, announced that he would retire as an umpire following the conclusion of the tournament.[2] On 6 July 2019, Gould retired from umpiring, after standing in the World Cup match between India and Sri Lanka.[3][4]

Name Country Panel Matches WC Matches (before 2019) 2019 WC
Aleem DarPakistanElite Panel200286
Kumar DharmasenaSri LankaElite Panel95137
Marais ErasmusSouth AfricaElite Panel82127
Chris GaffaneyNew ZealandElite Panel6236
Ian GouldEnglandElite Panel135175
Richard IllingworthEnglandElite Panel5956
Richard KettleboroughEnglandElite Panel82136
Nigel LlongEnglandElite Panel123115
Bruce OxenfordAustraliaElite Panel90114
Sundaram RaviIndiaElite Panel4236
Paul ReiffelAustraliaElite Panel6345
Rod TuckerAustraliaElite Panel78135
Michael GoughEnglandInternational Panel5435
Ruchira PalliyagurugeSri LankaInternational Panel7135
Joel WilsonWest IndiesInternational Panel5835
Paul WilsonAustraliaInternational Panel2305


Six match referees were appointed by the selection panel, all part of the Elite Panel of ICC Referees.[1]

Name Country Matches WC Matches (before 2019) 2019 WC
David BoonAustralia1231111
Chris BroadEngland309315
Jeff CroweNew Zealand281298
Ranjan MadugalleSri Lanka3475612
Andy PycroftZimbabwe17035
Richie RichardsonWest Indies4806


  1. 1 2 3 "Match officials for ICC Men's Cricket World Cup 2019 announced". International Cricket Council. Retrieved 26 April 2019.
  2. "Umpire Ian Gould to retire after World Cup". ESPN Cricinfo. Retrieved 26 April 2019.
  3. "Umpire Gould prepares to raise his finger for the final time at Headingley". International Cricket Council. Retrieved 6 July 2019.
  4. "Ian 'Gunner' Gould whistles his way into the sunset". ESPN Cricinfo. Retrieved 7 July 2019.
  5. "Statistics / Statsguru / ICC World Cup / Umpire and referee records". ESPN Cricinfo. Retrieved 12 February 2015.
  6. "Statistics / Statsguru / One-Day Internationals / Umpire and referee records". ESPN Cricinfo. Retrieved 12 February 2015.
  7. "Statistics / Statsguru / One-Day Internationals / Umpire and referee records". ESPN CricInfo. Retrieved 12 February 2015.
  8. "Statistics / Statsguru / One-Day Internationals / Umpire and referee records". ESPN CricInfo. Retrieved 12 February 2015.
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