A small number of cities and municipalities in Serbia held local elections in 2018. These were not part of the country's regular cycle of local elections but instead took place in certain jurisdictions where either the local government had fallen or the last local elections for four-year terms had taken place in 2014.

All local elections in Serbia in 2018 were held under proportional representation. Mayors were not directly elected but were instead chosen by elected members of the local assemblies. Parties were required to cross a five per cent electoral threshold (of all votes, not only of valid votes), although this requirement was waived for parties representing national minority communities.



City of Belgrade

See: 2018 Belgrade City Assembly election



An election was held in Kula on 16 December 2018. The municipality's mayor Velibor Milojičić had resigned in September 2018, at which time he was appointed leader of a provisional administration.[1]

Aleksandar VučićBecause We Love Kula (Serbian Progressive Party, Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians)10,62961.7826
Socialist Party of SerbiaIvica Dačić2,00811.675
Citizens' Group: Critical Mass1,6319.484
Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia–Marko Košutić1,2026.992
Movement of SocialistsAleksandar Vulin6924.02
Russian Party–Dušan Hajduković–Kekini principi3882.26
Party of United Pensioners of SerbiaMilan KrkobabićKula Is Also Serbia3592.09
Serbian Radical Party–Dr. Vojislav Šešelj2961.72
Valid votes17,20596.34
Invalid/blank votes6543.66
Total votes17,859100.00
Registered voters/turnout35,92049.72
Source: [2]

Damjan Miljanić of the Progressive Party was appointed as mayor after the election.[3] He resigned in January 2022 in order to harmonize that year's scheduled municipal election with the 2022 Serbian general election and was appointed as leader of a provisional authority.[4][5]

Šumadija and Western Serbia


An election was held in Aranđelovac on 5 March 2018, due to the expiry of the term of the previous assembly election in 2014.

Aleksandar VučićBecause We Love AranđelovacSerbian Progressive Party11,90158.7826
People for a Better AranđelovacDragon Jovanović (Serbian Radical Party–Dr. Vojislav Šešelj, People's Freedom Movement, Better Serbia)2,68413.266
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of SerbiaUnited SerbiaDragan Marković Palma2,48612.285
Citizens' Group: Dr. Radosav Švabić–The Right Way1,1205.532
Together to VictoryDemocratic Party, Liberal Democratic Party, People's Party, New Party, Social Democratic Party–Slobodan Jaredić1,0805.332
Citizens' Group: Choose Aranđelovac9744.81
Valid votes20,24596.75
Invalid/blank votes6813.25
Total votes20,926100.00
Registered voters/turnout37,71555.48
Source: [6]

Incumbent mayor Bojan Radović of the Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[7]


An election was held in Lučani on 16 December 2018, due to the expiry of the term of the previous assembly elected in 2014. Several opposition parties that chose to boycott other local elections held in late 2018 nonetheless participated in the Lučani vote.[8]

Aleksandar VučićBecause We Love Lučani and Dragačevo (Serbian Progressive Party, Serbian People's Party)7,85268.3727
Alliance for Serbia–Alliance for Dragačevo–Milan Radičević–DveriDemocratic PartyPeople's PartyTogether for SerbiaHealthy SerbiaSerbian LeftMovement for ReversalSlogaOtadžbina1,1379.904
Citizens' Group: One Team–Ivica Vukićević8267.192
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)–Better Serbia (BS)6685.822
Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia–Dragan Jovičić3483.03
United SerbiaDragan Marković Palma2762.40
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party2061.79
Milan KrkobabićParty of United Pensioners of SerbiaLučani Is Also Serbia1711.49
Valid votes11,48497.87
Invalid/blank votes2502.13
Total votes11,734100.00
Registered voters/turnout16,47371.23
Source: [9]

Milivoje Dolović of the Serbian Progressive Party was chosen as mayor in January 2019.[10] He resigned in January 2022, as a means of harmonizing the municipality's schedule for the 2022 local election with the 2022 Serbian general election and was appointed as leader of a provisional administration.[11][12]

Užice: Sevojno

An election was held for the Municipal Assembly of Sevojno (in the city of Užice) on 3 April 2018, due to the expiry of the term of the previous assembly elected in 2014.

Aleksandar VučićBecause We Love SevojnoIvica DačićSocialist Party of SerbiaParty of United Pensioners of SerbiaSerbian People's Party2,36863.6610
United We Win, For Sevojno, For Serbia1,11529.975
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party1313.52
Serbian Movement Dveri1062.85
Valid votes3,72097.64
Invalid/blank votes902.36
Total votes3,810100.00
Registered voters/turnout5,88164.78
Source: [13]

Ivan Marić of the Serbian Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[14]

Southern and Eastern Serbia


Doljevac had a municipal election on 16 December 2018. The vote was precipitated by the resignation of the municipality's mayor, Goran Ljubić of the Progressive Party, on the grounds that he objected to the constant criticisms of Nenad Stojiljković (Dveri), the only opposition member of the previous assembly, and wanted to test the mood of the electorate. The election was boycotted by opposition parties and was criticized by some as a waste of money.[15][16] Ljubić served as the leader of Doljevac's provisional government in 2018–19, before a new administration was established.[17]

The results of the election were as follows:

Aleksandar VučićBecause We Love Doljevac (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia)9,14985.2033
United SerbiaDragan Marković Palma6826.352
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)6055.632
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party1391.29
Milan KrkobabićParty of United Pensioners of SerbiaDoljevac Is Also Serbia1221.14
Citizens' Group: Alliance for a Democratic Doljevac410.38
Valid votes10,73897.90
Invalid/blank votes2302.10
Total votes10,968100.00
Registered voters/turnout14,71474.54
Source: [18]

Goran Ljubić was confirmed for a new term as mayor when the assembly convened in January 2019.[19] He resigned in January 2022 in order to harmonize that year's municipal election with the 2022 Serbian general election and was appointed as leader of an interim administration.[20]

Smederevska Palanka

The local assembly of Smederevska Palanka was dissolved in November 2017 for failing to meet within the legally designated time. Nikola Vučen of the Serbian Progressive Party was appointed as the leader of a provisional authority pending new elections, which took place on 25 March 2018.[21][22]

The results of the election were as follows:

Aleksandar VučićBecause We Love Smederevska PalankaSerbian Progressive Party15,73769.6037
Palanka in the Heart–Dr. Nikola Grujić–Radoslav Milojičić Kena (Democratic Party, New Party, Democratic Party of Serbia)2,30310.195
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)–Dragan Marković PalmaUnited Serbia (JS)1,7227.624
People's Party, Vuk Jeremić1,2875.693
DveriNew Serbia–Miloš Popović7963.52
Alliance for a Strong Palanka–Dušica Savić–Strong SerbiaBridge4131.83
I Give the WordSerbian Radical Party–Dr. Vojislav Šešelj, Strength of Serbia MovementDragomir Karić, People's Freedom MovementMiroslav Parović3531.56
Valid votes22,61195.41
Invalid/blank votes1,0874.59
Total votes23,698100.00
Registered voters/turnout41,93756.51
Source: [23]

Nikola Vučen was confirmed as mayor after the election.[24]


  1. З. РАЈИЋ, "НОВИ ПРЕДСЕДНИК ОПШТИНЕ: Дамјан Миљанић води Кулу", Novosti, 26 January 2019, accessed 28 August 2020.
  2. Službeni List (Opštine Kula), Volume 51 Number 40 (17 December 2018), pp. 568-569.
  3. З. РАЈИЋ, "НОВИ ПРЕДСЕДНИК ОПШТИНЕ: Дамјан Миљанић води Кулу", Novosti, 26 January 2019, accessed 28 August 2020.
  4. Gorica Nikolin, "Još jedan u nizu: I predsednik Opštine Kula podneo ostavku zbog aprilskih izbora", 021.rs, 31 January 2022, accessed 12 February 2022.
  5. Z. Rajić, "PETI PUT IDU NA VANREDNE IZBORE! Kula prednjači po uvođenju privremenih mera i ostavkama čelnih ljudi opštine", Novosti, 24 February 2022, accessed 10 March 2022.
  6. Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Aranđelovac), Volume 11 Number 95 (12 March 2018), pp. 1-2.
  7. Председник Општине, Municipality of Aranđelovac, accessed 10 March 2022.
  8. "U opštinama Lučani, Kladovo, Doljevac i Kula sutra izbori", Danas, 15 December 2018, accessed 11 February 2022.
  9. Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Lučani), Volume 35 Number 23 (17 December 2018), p. 5.
  10. "Milivoje Dolović novi predsednik opštine Lučani", Morava Info, 21 January 2019, accessed 9 February 2022.
  11. "UŠTEDA ZBOG RANIJE OSTAVKE: Milivoje Dolović više nije predsednik Opštine Lučani", Novosti, 4 January 2022, accessed 9 February 2022.
  12. ПРЕДСЕДНИК ПРИВРЕМЕНОГ ОРГАНА ОПШТИНЕ ЛУЧАНИ, Municipality of Lučani, accessed 10 March 2022.
  13. Službeni List (Grada Užica), 2018 Number 13 (4 March 2018), p. 1.
  14. N. Kovačević, "Izabran predsednik Gradske opštine Sevojno", Danas, 19 April 2018, accessed 2 May 2022.
  15. "Predsednik Opštine Doljevac podneo ostavku", Južne vesti, 15 October 2018, accessed 18 December 2021.
  16. M. Zirojević, "Na izborima u Doljevcu učestvuje 6 lista", Južne vesti, 5 December 2018, accessed 18 December 2021.
  17. Решење Владе РС о образовању привременог органа општине Дољевац, Акти Привременог органа општине Дољевац, Municipality of Doljevac, accessed 18 December 2021.
  18. Извештај о резултатима избора за одборнике Скупштине општине Дољевац, Lokalni Izbori 2018, Municipality of Doljevac, accessed 18 December 2021; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2020; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; p. 15. There is a minor discrepancy between these sources as to the total number of votes. The latter source is taken as definitive.
  19. D. Alihodžić, "Predsednik Opštine Doljevac: U politiku sam ušao kao bogat čovek", Novosti, 23 January 2019, accessed 18 December 2021.
  20. "Vlada imenovala privremenu upravu u Doljevcu i Medveđi", Novosti, 5 February 2022, accessed 12 February 2022.
  21. "Gojković raspisala izbore u Smederevskoj Palanci za 25. mart", Beta, 31 January 2018.
  22. J. Ilić, "Smederevska Palanka: U bankrotu čekaju izbore", Novosti, 2 February 2018, accessed 22 October 2022.
  23. Službeni List (Opština: Velika Plana, Smederevska Palanka), Volume 52 Number 17 (27 March 2018), p. 164; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2020; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; p. 67.
  24. Никола Вучен, Municipality of Smederevska Palanka, accessed 22 October 2022.
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