

y- (peg element) + -∅- (3rd person subject prefix) + -∅- (classifier) + -deeł (durative imperfective stem of root -DÉÉL, “a slender flexible object moves”).


yideeł (intransitive)

  1. (with bichʼįʼ dah) he/she/it is rushing at, running to get

Usage notes

This verb is intransitive in that it cannot have a direct object. However, it must be used with a form of the adposition bichʼįʼ.


Paradigm: Momentaneous (∅/si).

IMPERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person yishdeeł yiideeł deiideeł
2nd person nideeł wohdeeł daahdeeł
3rd person yideeł daadeeł
4th person jideeł dajideeł
PERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person sédéél siidéél dasiidéél
2nd person sínídéél soodéél dasoodéél
3rd person sidéél daazdéél
4th person jizdéél dajizdéél
FUTURE singular duoplural plural
1st person deeshdił diidił dadiidił
2nd person díídił doohdił dadoohdił
3rd person doodił dadoodił
4th person jidoodił dazhdoodił
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