

Alternative forms

  • year-thousand, year thousand


From year + thousand. Compare Dutch jaarduizend (millennium), German Jahrtausend (millennium), Norwegian årtusen (millennium), Icelandic árþúsund (millennium), Swedish årtusende (millennium).


yearthousand (plural yearthousands)

  1. (very rare) A millennium (a period of a thousand years).
      Because, according to the peculiar chronology of the oriental Jews, the sixth millenium or year-thousand after the creation expired in 1810.
    • 1867, The English Cyclopedia:
      It is probable that a hundred years hence the students of European literature will have much better means at command than ourselves, to take a comprehensive view of the literature of Europe during the earlier part of this “Yearthousand,"—to use a Germanism which is in many respects preferable to “Millennium."
    • 1880, John Lothrop Motley, History of the United Netherlands:
      Human history, so far as it has been written, is at best a mere fragment; for the few centuries or year-thousands of which there is definite record are as nothing compared to the millions of unnumbered years during which man has perhaps walked the earth.
    • 1902, Journal of the American Oriental Society:
      [] “the War (of the gods and their elder brothers, the devils) lasted thirty-two yearthousands,” xii. 33. 26.
    • 2000, August Hermann Francke, Gśam-yul Na Bśad Paʼi Ge-sar Gyi Sgruṅ Bźugs So:
      One branch of them went north-east into North China and settled there, or stayed on in their original home in the Hwang-Ho valley, long before 2000 B.C., and there it became the ancient Chinese people, who built up a very high and original type of civilisation before 1500 B.C., which independently of any other cultures reached its highest point during the first year-thousand before Christ, and attained still further development through contact with Buddhism and Indian civilisation during the first year-thousand after Christ.
    • 2014, Anne Kari B. Solstad, Off darkness...: A journey out of the landscape of depression:
      This has been into the genes through out yearthousands. It has been accepted. Women have been for trade or exchange due to sex in all times.
    Meronym: yearhundred
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