

b- (3rd person indirect object prefix) + -é- (about) + -ná- (back, reversionary) + -∅- (3rd person subject prefix) + -l- (classifier) + -niih (imperfective stem of root -NIIʼ, “to know about”).



  1. he/she remembers it, recalls it
    Diné bizaad łaʼ bił nantłʼah, éí doo yénálniih da.Some Navajo words are difficult to her, she doesn't remember them.


Paradigm: Durative (∅/yi)

IMPERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person bénáshniih bénéiilniih béédeiilniih
2nd person béénílniih bénáłniih béédaałniih
3rd person yénálniih yéédaalniih
4th person bééjílniih béédajilniih
PERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person bénááshniiʼ bénéiilniiʼ béédeiilniiʼ
2nd person béénílniiʼ bénááłniiʼ béédaałniiʼ
3rd person yénáálniiʼ yéédaalniiʼ
4th person bééjoolniiʼ béédajoolniiʼ
FUTURE singular duoplural plural
1st person béédeeshnih béédiilnih béédadiilnih
2nd person béédíílnih béédoołnih béédadoołnih
3rd person yéédoolnih yéédadoolnih
4th person béézhdoolnih béédazhdoolnih
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