



  1. to drop, toss off, cause to fall, throw down, depose, overthrow, abdicate
    Nō te hokinga ki Ingarangi ka kite ia i te hē; kua aro atu te whakaaro o tōna teina, o Hoani, ki a Piripi o Parani kia whakataka i a Rīhari ki raro.
    When he returned to England he saw the problem; his younger brother, John, had joined with Philip of France to depose Richard.
  2. to prepare
    I tukuna atu te waiata nei e Te Rauparaha ki a Te Āti Awa, i a ia e whakataka ana ki te pakanga.
    Te Rauparaha sent this song to Te Āti Awa when he was preparing for battle.
  3. to muster, assemble, gather
    Ka whakatakaia mai te taua a Waikato hei patu i te rangatira o Ngāti Ruanui.
    Waikato assembled an army to kill the chief of Ngāti Ruanui.
  4. to turn, deviate, divert
    Whakataka tō hau ki te tonga kia mākinakina i uta, kia mātaratara i tai.
    Divert your wind to the south so that it is intensely cold inland and piercingly cold at sea.
  5. to take a circuitous route
    E haere ana rātou, inamata e whakataka ana te ara konihi a Te Puhi-huia rātou ko ngā hoa.
    They are going, but immediately Te Puhi-huia and her companions take a circuitous route along a path avoiding observation.
  6. surround, encircle
    Kātahi te hokowhitu rā ka whakataka i taua whare.
    Then that war-party surrounded the house.



  1. preparatory
    • He mea kura anō hoki a Tiaki ki tētahi kura whakataka, kura tūmataiti tae noa ki te wā i tekau mā whā tōna pakeke.
      Tiaki was educated at a private preparatory school until he was 14.



  1. preparation
    He nui te whakataka a ngā Hāmoa mō te rā e tae atu ai a Smythe.
    There was much preparation by the Samoans for the day that Smythe would arrive.
  2. assembly, muster, gathering, expedition
    Kua kōrerotia i te whakaupoko te whakataka a Te Kakatarau.
    The raising of a war-party by Te Kakatarau is mentioned in the headnote.
  3. director, chief, administrator, controller, leader
    Ko wai hei whakataka mō tātou ka mate ana ngā rangatira o nāianei?
    Who will be a leader for us when today's chiefs die?
  4. whakataka, Corokia macrocarpa (a shrub or tree to 6 m tall with stout branches and dark, rough bark. Leaves are leathery and shiny on top with white tomentum underneath. Petals are bright yellow and drupes yellow, dark red to black.)
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