

FWOTD – 24 August 2017


Clipping of vulkanizadora, a variant spelling of vulcanizadora (tire repair shop, literally vulcanizer).


  • IPA(key): /ˈbulka/ [ˈbul.ka]
  • Rhymes: -ulka
  • Syllabification: vul‧ka


vulka f (plural vulkas)

  1. (Mexico, colloquial, nonstandard) a tire repair shop
    Te pueden parchar la llanta en la vulka de aquí cerca.
    They can fix up your tire in the repair shop nearby.
    • 2014, Jaime Muñoz Vargas, “Nadie te espera”, in Milenio:
      Esas frases pueden salir de la pluma de Voltaire o de la boca del compita que nos cambia la Firestone en una vulka, todo depende del misterioso encanto que contenga la pizca de palabras.
      Phrases like these can come from the writings of Voltaire or from the mouth of the guy changing your Firestone tire in a repair shop, it all depends on the mysterious charm contained in the choice of words.
    • 2016, Manolo Acosta, “Llanta ‘revienta’ cara a ingeniero”, in Zócalo:
      […] los empleados de la vulka ayudaron al lesionado, quien sangraba de manera abundante debido a las lesiones.
      […] workers from the tire repair shop assisted the injured man, who was bleeding profusely due to his wounds.
    • 2017, Jesús Peña, “La historia de un kilómetro de carretera que se convierte en un pueblo”, in Vanguardia:
      De su papá, el loco que hace 35 años se puso a vivir en una chatarra de combi con su mujer y sus nueve hijos a la orilla de la carretera libre Saltillo – Torreón, en el kilómetro 64 y abrió una vulka.
      It was his dad's, the madman who 35 years before had begun to live in a jalopy van with his wife and nine children on the roadside of the toll-free Saltillo–Torreón highway, on kilometer 64, where he opened a tire repair shop.

See also




  1. (informal) to vulcanize



Derived terms

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