


viscount + -ship


viscountship (plural viscountships)

  1. The role or status of viscount.
    • 1868, Francois Pierre Guillaume Guizot, A Popular History of France From The Earliest Times:
      Louis persisted in struggling for the preponderance of the crown against the great vassals; succeeded in taming Peter Mauclerc, the turbulent Count of Brittany; wrung from Theobald IV., Count of Champagne, the rights of suzerainty in the countships of Chartres, Blois, and Sancerre, and the viscountship of Chateaudun, and purchased the fertile countship of Macon from its possessor.
    • 1907, Edited by Rev. James Wood, The Nuttall Encyclopaedia:
      HARDINGE, HENRY, VISCOUNT, a distinguished soldier and Governor-General of India [] was appointed Governor-General of India, and later distinguished himself under Gough in the first Sikh War; a viscountship and pension followed in 1845 []
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