
Norwegian Nynorsk


From vidare + gåande. Literally, further going. Compare to Norwegian Bokmål videregående and Swedish vidaregående


vidaregåande (singular and plural vidaregåande, comparative meir vidaregåande, superlative mest vidaregåande)

  1. (education) pertaining to the secondary or high school level
    Kjærasten min er lærar i vidaregåande opplæring
    My boyfriend/girlfriend is a teacher in secondary education
    Den nye vidaregåande skulen opnar i dag
    The new high school opens today
  2. further going


vidaregåande m

  1. (education) Ellipsis of vidaregåande skule (high school).
    Synonyms: gymnas, VGS, vgs
    Kva for linje valde du når du gjekk på vidaregåande?
    Which specialization course did you chose when you went to the high school?


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