
See also: vexé and véxe



vexe (third-person singular simple present vexes, present participle vexing or vexeing, simple past and past participle vexed or vext)

  1. Obsolete spelling of vex.
    • 1526, [William Tyndale, transl.], The Newe Testamẽt [] (Tyndale Bible), [Worms, Germany: Peter Schöffer], →OCLC, Acts xij:[1], folio clxxj, verso:
      In that tyme Herode the kynge layed hondes on certayne of the congregaciõ to vexe them.
    • 1589, Ioseph Barnes, A Skeltonicall salutation, or condigne gratulation, and iust vexation of the Spanishe nation that in a bravado, spent many a crusado, in setting forth an armado England to invado.:
      Thy dart, or sling, / Or strong bow-string, / That should vs wring, / And vnderbring, / Who every way, / Thee vexe and pay, / And beare the sway / By nigh
    • 1607, William [Barlow], A Brand, Titio Erepta. [], London: [] Iohn Windet for Mathew Law:
      Now Indignation is a fire, ſaith the Prophet, it will vexe the partie whom it malignes, as fire vexeth the rawe fleſh in the roſting or boyling.
    • 1628, Henry Smith, Three Sermons, London: [] W. S. for Iohn Smethwicke, [], page 18:
      Either you goe away contented, or you go away condemned of your owne conſcience: before you were vext with couetouſneſſe, but now the world ſhall vexe you too: []
    • 1638, Thomas Herbert, Some Yeares Travels, section I:
      Other unlucky accidents happen in these seas to vexe them, as when (in most becalmings) they swim in the bearing Ocean, the greedy Tuberon or Shark arm'd with a double row of venemous teeth pursues them [...].
    • 1681 December 19, Humphrey Prideaux, edited by Edward Maunde Thompson, Letters of Humphrey Prideaux, Sometime Dean of Norwich, to John Ellis, Sometime Under-Secretary of State, 1674-1722, [] the Camden Society, published 1875, page 121:
      This vexeing the brewers, they have represented it in the worst colours to the Commissioners of the Excise, and they have made complaint of it to the King in Councill.




  1. inflection of vexer:
    1. first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctive
    2. second-person singular imperative




  1. inflection of vexar:
    1. first/third-person singular present subjunctive
    2. third-person singular imperative

Middle English



  1. Alternative form of vexen




  1. inflection of vexar:
    1. first/third-person singular present subjunctive
    2. third-person singular imperative
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