veselīgs (definite veselīgais, comparative veselīgāks, superlative visveselīgākais, adverb veselīgi)
- healthy, robust (always healthy, in good health, who rarely gets sick)
- veselīgs bērns ― healthy child
- tas bija pazems, drukns, ļoti kustīgs, no izskata īsti veselīgs un spēcīgs vīrs ― it was a short, stocky, very agile man, apparently really healthy, robust and strong
- viņu koptie lopi ir veselīgi, spirgti un labi barojas ― their (farm) animals are healthy, lively and eat well
- robust, healthy (physically well developed; having no defects, no diseases; expressing such qualities)
- veselīgs izskats ― robust, healthy appearance
- veselīgs skaistums ― robust, healthy beauty
- veselīgs koks ― robust, healthy tree
- šis kājas nēsāja stipru, veselīgu lauku skaistules ķermeni ― these legs carried the strong, robust body of a rural beauty (= beautiful woman)
- viņš smējās pilnu muti, rādīdams savus baltos, veselīgos zobus ― the laughed with (his) full mouth, showing his white, healthy teeth
- healthful, healthy (which benefits one's health, which influences one's health positively, improves one's health)
- veselīga barība ― healthy, healthful food
- veselīgs gaiss ― healthy, healthful air
- veselīgs dzīvesveids ― healthy, healthful lifestyle
- veselīgs dienas režīms ― healthy, healthful daily regime
- gulēt veselīgā miegā ― to sleep a healthy, healthful sleep
- dzērveņu ogas satur daudz citronskābes un C vitamīna, tāpēc sevišķi noderīgas veselīgu dzērienu pagatavošanai ― cranberries contain a lot of citric acid and vitamin C, so they are especially useful for preparing healthy, healthful beverages
- mēs ejam uz Māras ezeru... tā ūdens ir rāvains, bet veselīgs pret kaulu slimībām ― we are going to the Māra lake... its water is marshy, swampy, but healthful, useful against bone diseases
- (figuratively) focused, effective, positive, stimulating
- veselīgs humors ― healthy, healthful humor
- teikās netrūkst arī veselīgas ironijas ― in (Latvian) legends there is no lack of healthy, healthful irony
indefinite declension (nenoteiktā galotne) of veselīgs
masculine (vīriešu dzimte) | feminine (sieviešu dzimte) | ||||||||
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) |
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) | ||||||
nominative (nominatīvs) | veselīgs | veselīgi | veselīga | veselīgas | |||||
accusative (akuzatīvs) | veselīgu | veselīgus | veselīgu | veselīgas | |||||
genitive (ģenitīvs) | veselīga | veselīgu | veselīgas | veselīgu | |||||
dative (datīvs) | veselīgam | veselīgiem | veselīgai | veselīgām | |||||
instrumental (instrumentālis) | veselīgu | veselīgiem | veselīgu | veselīgām | |||||
locative (lokatīvs) | veselīgā | veselīgos | veselīgā | veselīgās | |||||
vocative (vokatīvs) | — | — | — | — | |||||
Derived terms
- veselīgums
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