uscire di scena



Literally, to leave of scene.


uscìre di scena (first-person singular present èsco di scena, first-person singular past historic uscìi di scena, past participle uscìto di scena, auxiliary èssere) (intransitive)

  1. (performing arts) to get off the stage, as required by a stage direction (of an actor)
  2. (by extension) to lose a role, status, position, etc. that one previously occupied; to fall from grace or get out of the picture
    • 2019, George Orwell, translated by Nicola Gardini, Nineteen Eighty-Four, Mondadori:
      Nessun comitato avrebbe mai sancito un matrimonio simile, anche nel caso in cui Katherine, la moglie di Winston, fosse uscita di scena.
      No imaginable committee would ever sanction such a marriage even if Katharine, Winston’s wife, could somehow have been got rid of.
      (literally, “No committee would have ever sanctioned a similar matrimony, even in the case in which Katherine, Winston's wife, would have gotten out of the picture.”)
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