

Alternative forms


Previously more common as unsertwegen, the form unseretwegen likely became dominate out of assimilation to the construction -etwegen as in meinetwegen, deinetwegen, etc. Shortened from von unseretwegen, which can be traced through two developmental routes. One route is from von unsernt / unsrent / unserent wegen, from von unseren wegen, from Middle High German von unsern wegen, in which wegen was the dative plural of modern-day Weg and unsern was the possessive pronoun in the dative plural.

Another route can be traced from von unsertwegen / von unsert wegen, from Middle High German von unsert wegen, from von unser wegen, in which unser was the genitive pronoun. See more at wegen.


  • IPA(key): /ˈʊnzəʁətˌveːɡən/, /ˌʊnzəʁətˈveːɡən/
  • (file)



  1. because of us, for our sake
    Synonym: (colloquial) wegen uns
    Das ist alles unseretwegen passiert.
    All of this happened because of us.
  2. as far as we are concerned (we don't mind if); for all we care
    Unseretwegen kannst du mitkommen.
    As far as we are concerned, you can come with us.

Further reading

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