


past participle of underförstå (uncommon) – literally, "under-understood"


underförstådd (not comparable)

  1. implied, implicit, tacit ((expected to be) understood (or agreed upon or the like) without being explicitly stated)
    Jag trodde det var underförstått att det här skulle stanna mellan oss
    I thought it was implicit that this would stay between the two of us
    en retorisk fråga där det underförstådda svaret är nej
    a rhetorical question where the implied answer is no
    Även jag mottog hot, underförstått att jag visste vad min vän sysslat med
    I also received threats, implying ("(with it being) implicit" – common construction) that I knew what my friend had been up to


Inflection of underförstådd
Indefinite Positive Comparative Superlative2
Common singular underförstådd
Neuter singular underförstått
Plural underförstådda
Masculine plural3 underförstådde
Definite Positive Comparative Superlative
Masculine singular1 underförstådde
All underförstådda
1) Only used, optionally, to refer to things whose natural gender is masculine.
2) The indefinite superlative forms are only used in the predicative.
3) Dated or archaic

See also


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