undeg pump



undeg pump

  1. (cardinal number) Nonstandard spelling of un deg pump (fifteen).
    • 1915 October 15, “Marwolaeth Mrs. Jones Y Bedol”, in Y Drafod, page 2:
      Claddwyd ei rhan farwol yn Rawson yn yr "Hen Fynwent" y dydd Llun canlynol; yn unol a'i dymuniad ger ei phriod a'i merch Elizabeth y rhai oedd wedi ei rhygflaenu i'r byd tu draw i'r llen, – y ferch erys dau ddeg wyth, a'r priod erys undeg pump o flynyddau.
      Her mortal remains were buried in Rawson in the "Old Graveyard" the following Monday; in accordance with her desire to be near her husband and her daughter Elizabeth who had preceded her into the world beyond the veil, the daughter twenty-eight years before, and her husband fifteen years before.
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