tro om igen


Alternative forms


tro om igen

  1. think again (cf. have another think coming)
    • 2015, Mogens Sørensen, Københavner Shots, Mogens Sørensen, →ISBN, page 4:
      Hvis du tror, dette er en turistbrochure, så tro om igen.
      If you think this is a tourist brochure, think again.
    • 2016, Jørgen Brenting, Mysteriet om den hurtige snegl, Lindhardt og Ringhof, →ISBN:
      Hvis Pip troede, det var nemt at slippe af med Shellac Hansen, måtte han tro om igen.
      If Pip thought it was easy to get rid of Shellac Hansen, he had another think coming.
    • 1933, Rigsdagstidende:
      Ministeren maa undskylde; hvis han tror, at Landbruget falder paa Maven for en saadan Genialitet, kommer han virkelig til at tro om igen.
      The minister will have to excuse [me]; if he believes that [the community of practitioners of] agriculture will be be immoderately impressed by such geniality, he shall certainly have to think again.
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