
See also: trigraf



  • IPA(key): [ˈtriɡraːf]
  • Hyphenation: tri‧gráf
  • Rhymes: -aːf


trigráf (plural trigráfok)

  1. (linguistics) trigraph (a specific sequence of three letters, especially one used collectively to represent a single phoneme; in Hungarian the only trigraph is the letter dzs)


Inflection (stem in -o-, back harmony)
singular plural
nominative trigráf trigráfok
accusative trigráfot trigráfokat
dative trigráfnak trigráfoknak
instrumental trigráffal trigráfokkal
causal-final trigráfért trigráfokért
translative trigráffá trigráfokká
terminative trigráfig trigráfokig
essive-formal trigráfként trigráfokként
inessive trigráfban trigráfokban
superessive trigráfon trigráfokon
adessive trigráfnál trigráfoknál
illative trigráfba trigráfokba
sublative trigráfra trigráfokra
allative trigráfhoz trigráfokhoz
elative trigráfból trigráfokból
delative trigráfról trigráfokról
ablative trigráftól trigráfoktól
possessive - singular
trigráfé trigráfoké
possessive - plural
trigráféi trigráfokéi
Possessive forms of trigráf
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. trigráfom trigráfjaim
2nd person sing. trigráfod trigráfjaid
3rd person sing. trigráfja trigráfjai
1st person plural trigráfunk trigráfjaink
2nd person plural trigráfotok trigráfjaitok
3rd person plural trigráfjuk trigráfjaik
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