Middle English
Alternative forms
- thrayteresse, traiteresse, traitores, traitouresse, traitresse, tratoures, trayteres, trayteresse, traytoresse, traytouras, traytoures, traytures, treyteresse
From Middle French traitresse, Anglo-Norman traiteresse, treiteresce; equivalent to traytour + -esse.
- traitoress: female traitor
- a1500(?a1450), GRom.(Hrl 7333) 248:
- She was my wyf, & I hir lorde, and she helde this knyʒt in a-vowtrye vndir me, & falslye she caste my dethe..þe traytoure and þe traytouresse.
- (please add an English translation of this quotation)
- 1532(?a1400), RRose (Thynne) 7389:
- That false traytouresse vntrewe [Dame Abstinence] Was lyke that salowe horse..That signifyeth to folke beshrewed That ben al ful of trecherye And pale through hypocrisye.
- (please add an English translation of this quotation)
- English: traitoress, traitress
- “traitǒuresse, n.”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007.
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