


From transvest(ite) + -icide.


transvesticide (plural transvesticides)

  1. (Latin America) Alternative form of travesticide.
    • 2019, C. J. W.-L. Wee, “Contemporary theatre, the contemporary, and historicity”, in Helena Grehan, Peter Eckersall, editors, The Routledge Companion to Theatre and Politics, unnumbered page:
      In recent years, contemporary protest movements such as NiUnaMenos (NotOne[Woman]Less) have drawn attention to the country's rising number of femicides, a category that in Argentina includes transvesticides and transfemicides.
    • 2020, Celeste Fierro, Feminism in Debate, Reform or Revolution?, unnumbered page:
      At the same time, it enables higher levels of sexist violence in society, with its wake of femicides, transvesticides, transfemicides and other hate crimes.
    • 2020, Ana Isabel González Montes, “Argentinean Feminist Movements: Debates from praxis”, in Diana Mulinari, Khayaat Fakier, Nora Räthzel, editors, Marxist-Feminist Theories and Struggles Today: Essential Writings on Intersectionality, Postcolonialism and Ecofeminism, page 287:
      Later, the tragedy surrounding transvesticide was added to the campaign. Femicide and transvesticide show, in the most brutal way, the power relations of the current patriarchy.
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