
See also: trūcībā



From trūk(t) (to lack) + -ība, with palatalization of k to c.


trūcība f (4th declension)

  1. poverty, need (situation in which the necessary means of subsistence are scarce or lacking)
    dzīvot lielā trūcībāto live in great poverty
    nonākt trūcībāto come (= fall) into poverty
    Krišjānis Barons ar apbrīnojamu neatlaidību, nepārtraukti ar trūcību kaudamies, tiecas pēc izglītībasKrišjānis Barons with admirable perseverance, continuously fighting with poverty, pursued (his) education
  2. poverty, scarcity, insufficience (quality of that which is poor, lacking)
    pirmo reizi, izbraucis cauri kādai pilsētai, cilvēks var sacīt, ka zina to... otrajā reizē šīs zināšanas jau parāda savu trucībuthe first time, passing through a city, a person can say that he knows it... the second time, this knowledge already shows its poverty, insufficience




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