
See also: tròcaire



From Old Irish trócaire, from trócar.[1]



trócaire f (genitive singular trócaire)

  1. mercy, pity, compassion
  2. clemency, leniency, quarter


Derived terms


Irish mutation
Radical Lenition Eclipsis
trócaire thrócaire dtrócaire
Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.


  1. G. Toner, M. Ní Mhaonaigh, S. Arbuthnot, D. Wodtko, M.-L. Theuerkauf, editors (2019), “trócaire”, in eDIL: Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language
  2. Sjoestedt, M. L. (1931) Phonétique d’un parler irlandais de Kerry (in French), Paris: Librairie Ernest Leroux, page 89

Further reading

Old Irish


From trócar + -e.


  • IPA(key): [ˈtroːkɨrʲe]


trócaire f (genitive trócaire, no plural)

  1. mercy
    • c. 800–825, Diarmait, Milan Glosses on the Psalms, published in Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus (reprinted 1987, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies), edited and with translations by Whitley Stokes and John Strachan, vol. I, pp. 7–483, Ml. 111c13
      Is hé ru·fiastar cumachtae inna díglae do·mbi{u}r-siu húa londas, intí du·écigi{gi} is ar trócairi ⁊ censi du·bir-siu forunni siu innahí fo·daimem ré techt innúnn.
      He who will know the power of the punishment which you sg inflict by means of wrath, it is he who will see that it is for the sake of mercy and gentleness that you inflict on us here the things that we suffer before going there.


Feminine iā-stem
Singular Dual Plural
Nominative trócaireL
Vocative trócaireL
Accusative trócairiN
Genitive trócaire
Dative trócairiL
Initial mutations of a following adjective:
  • H = triggers aspiration
  • L = triggers lenition
  • N = triggers nasalization


  • Irish: trócaire
  • Manx: trocair
  • Scottish Gaelic: tròcair


Old Irish mutation
trócaire thrócaire trócaire
pronounced with /d(ʲ)-/
Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every
possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.

Further reading

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