Middle English
Alternative forms
- tomorrowe, tomorrow, tomorowe, tomorow, tomorewe, tomoruwe, tomoreu, tomorrou, tomorou, tomorue, tomoru, tomorȝe, tomoreȝe, tomarȝe, tomærȝe, tomarewe, temorwe, tomorne, tomorgen, tomorȝen, tomoregan, tomoroune, tomoroun, tomoreuin, tomorwen, tomorwin, tomorwyn, tomorewen, tomarȝan, tomarȝen, tomærȝen, tomarhen, tomarwen, tomarewene, temarwen
From Old English tōmorgen, tō morgenne (“tomorrow”), from tō (“at, on”) + morgene, mergen (dative of morgen (“morning”)), from Proto-Germanic *murganaz (“morning”), perhaps, from Proto-Indo-European *mergʰ- (“to blink, to twinkle”). Equivalent to to- + morwe.
- Belonging to the day after today; tomorrow's.
- “tomorwe, adv.”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007, retrieved 13 April 2018.
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