

Alternative forms


From till (to) + god (good), with an antiquated declension.



  1. as a benefit
    1. (in "göra sig tillgodo" = tillgodogöra sig) to make use of (for one's benefit), to assimilate (knowledge or the like)
      Han var för trött för att tillgodogöra sig informationen
      He was too tired to assimilate the information (make gainful use of the information, as in understand and remember it)
      Kroppen kan inte tillgodogöra sig näringsämnet
      The body can't absorb (make use of) the nutrient
    2. (in "ha tillgodo") to have (something useful)
    3. (in "hålla tillgodo (med)") to be satisfied (with), to make do (with), to settle for
      Den krämigaste kebabsåsen var slut, så vi fick hålla till godo med den mindre krämiga
      They were out of the creamiest kebab sauce, so we had to make do with the less creamy one
      Han håller tillgodo med hvad som helst, men mest tycker han om animalisk föda
      He [a bird] is satisfied with anything, but he likes animal food best
    4. (in "håll tillgodo") Synonym of varsågod
      Håll tillgodo!
      You're welcome! (as a reply to "thank you", or as an invitation to eat)
    5. (in "komma tillgodo") to benefit
      Reformerna kommer bara vissa grupper tillgodo
      The reforms only benefit certain groups
    6. (in "räkna till godo" = tillgodoräkna) to count to someone's credit
    7. (in "se tillgodo") to make sure


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