Alternative forms
- till godo (more common)
- as a benefit
- (in "göra sig tillgodo" = tillgodogöra sig) to make use of (for one's benefit), to assimilate (knowledge or the like)
- Han var för trött för att tillgodogöra sig informationen
- He was too tired to assimilate the information (make gainful use of the information, as in understand and remember it)
- Kroppen kan inte tillgodogöra sig näringsämnet
- The body can't absorb (make use of) the nutrient
- (in "ha tillgodo") to have (something useful)
- (in "hålla tillgodo (med)") to be satisfied (with), to make do (with), to settle for
- Den krämigaste kebabsåsen var slut, så vi fick hålla till godo med den mindre krämiga
- They were out of the creamiest kebab sauce, so we had to make do with the less creamy one
- Han håller tillgodo med hvad som helst, men mest tycker han om animalisk föda
- He [a bird] is satisfied with anything, but he likes animal food best
- (in "håll tillgodo") Synonym of varsågod
- Håll tillgodo!
- You're welcome! (as a reply to "thank you", or as an invitation to eat)
- (in "komma tillgodo") to benefit
- Reformerna kommer bara vissa grupper tillgodo
- The reforms only benefit certain groups
- (in "räkna till godo" = tillgodoräkna) to count to someone's credit
- (in "se tillgodo") to make sure
- (in "göra sig tillgodo" = tillgodogöra sig) to make use of (for one's benefit), to assimilate (knowledge or the like)
Related terms
- tillgodogöra
- tillgodohavande
- tillgodokvitto
- tillgodoräkna
- tillgodose
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