


syn- + -type


syntype (plural syntypes)

  1. (taxonomy) Any one of two or more specimens specified in the description of a species (or lower-order taxon), where no specimen has been designated as holotype.
    • 1965 September, John E. Randall, “A Redescription of Sparisoma Atomarium (Poey), a Valid West Indian Parrotfish”, in Notulae Naturae, Academy of Natural Sciences, page 7:
      Noting two syntypes of hoplomystax with 1 instead of 2 midventral scales posterior to the origin of the pelvics, and the unusual color of S. abbotti, Dr. Bohlke kindly sent these fishes on loan.
    • 1999, Raina L. Takumi, A Systematic Review of the Ectemnius (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) of Hawaii, University of California Publications in Entomology, Volume 118, University of California Press, page 49,
      Of the specimens examined, 38 (20♂, 18♀) were collected by Perkins prior to 1899 and are possible syntypes.
    • 2000, Jane B. Walker, James E. Keirans, Ivan G. Horak, The Genus Rhipicephalus (Acari, Ixodidae): A Guide to the Brown Ticks of the World, Cambridge University Press, page 26:
      One ♂ syntype is in the Zoological Museum, Berlin [ZMB 17714] – see Moritz & Fischer (1981).

Usage notes

  • One of the syntypes may, subsequent to the original research, be designated to serve as lectotype in place of the missing holotype.

See also

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