


From s- + vendere (to sell).


  • IPA(key): /ˈ
  • Rhymes: -endere
  • Hyphenation: svén‧de‧re


svéndere (first-person singular present svéndo, first-person singular past historic svendétti or (traditional) svendètti, past participle svendùto, auxiliary avére)

  1. (transitive, also figurative) to undersell; to sell off; to sell out
    • 2020 August 13, Sharon Nizza, “"Accordo storico" tra Israele e Emirati Arabi Uniti: rapporti diplomatici per un piano di pace in Medio Oriente ["Historic agreement" between Israel and United Arab Emirates: diplomatic relationships for a peace plan in the Middle East]”, in la Repubblica:
      Hanan Ashrawi, storica componente dell'esecutivo dell'Olp, ha scritto "Vi auguro di non vivere mai l'agonia di vivere in ostaggio sotto l’occupazione e di essere svenduti dai vostri 'amici'".
      Hanan Ashrawi, an historic component of the PLO executive, wrote "I hope that you will never experience the agony of living hostage under occupation and of being sold off by your 'friends'".


Derived terms

Further reading

  • svendere in – Vocabolario Treccani on line, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana
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