
See also: Stücken




  1. (obsolete, rare) past participle of stick
    • 1612, John Brinſley, chapter X, in Ludus literarius: or, the grammar ſchoole [] , London: Thomas Man, page 157:
      [] the ſenſe & drift of the Latine Author is principally to be obſerued, and not the phrase nor propriety of the tongue, to bee ſo much ſought to bee expreſſed or ſtucken vnto.
    • 1645 March 9, Charles I, “To the Queen”, in Reliquiæ Sacræ Carolinæ, Or The VVorks of that Great Monarch and Glorious Martyr King Charls the I [] , Hague: Samuel Browne, published 1650, page 252:
      [] and the Rebels have ſtucken rigidly to their demands, which I dare ſay had been too much, though they had taken Me priſoner, ſo that aſſuredly the breach will light foully upon them.
    • 1745, Chriſtian Ludwig, Teutſch-Englisches Lexicon [] , Leipzig: Johann Friedrich Gleditſch, page 99, column 1:
      Das hat mir alle mein tage angehangen, that has ſtucken by me as long as I live.




  1. past participle of sticka
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