stryka med



stryka med (present stryker med, preterite strök or strykte med, supine strukit or strykt med, imperative stryk med)

  1. to die (as a consequence of something, often an accident, disaster, or disease); to perish, to be killed
    Han strök med i branden
    He perished in the fire
    Hela familjen strök med i digerdöden
    The entire family died in the Black Death
    Han strök med i en tropisk sjukdom
    He died from a tropical disease
  2. to be destroyed, especially in an accident or disaster
    Hela byn strök med i branden
    The entire village was destroyed in the fire
  3. to be used up or consumed
    Antonym: bli över
    Kakorna strök med snabbt
    The cookies didn't last long

Usage notes

Strictly synonymous with gå åt with some differences in nuance, but far less common for certain senses, corresponding to how they're ordered.


See also

  • (die)


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