strategiskt brott
Compound of strategisk (“strategic”) + brott (“crime”). Named such as they are strategically relevant to minimise the amount of repeat offenders.[1]
- (crime prevention) A gateway crime; a category of debut crimes, committed by teenagers, which more frequently than other types of crime tends to result in higher rates of prosecution later in life.
- 1994 October 5, Aftonbladet, page 14:
- […] så enkelt tycks det vara ett strategiskt brott vid utvecklingen av en kriminell karriär konstaterar Ahlström […]
- […] so simply enough, it appears to be a gateway crime in the development of a criminal career, notes Ahlström […]
- 2000 June 21, Göteborgsposten, page 4:
- […] debuterar med något av de strategiska brotten rån eller stöld slutar var sjätte […]
- […] debuting with one of the gateway crimes robbery or theft results in every sixth one ending up […]
- 2014 February 9, Arbetarbladet, page 5:
- Problemet med rån är att det är ett strategiskt brott. Har de kommit så långt är risken stor att de fortsätter med grov brottslighet.
- The problem with robberies is that they are gateway crimes. If they have reached this point, there's a high risk that they will continue with serious criminal activities.
- 2022 February 22, Lova Olsson, “Partierna eniga om att skärpa straffet för rån [The parties are in agreement to increase the punishment for robbery.]”, in Sveriges Radio:
- Ett av argumenten är att personrån är ett så kallat strategiskt brott, det vill säga en indikation på fortsatt kriminalitet när det begås av ungdomar i gängmiljö.
- One of the arguments is that street robbery is a so-called gateway crime, meaning an indication of continued criminal activity when committed by youths in a gang environment.
- 2022 March 31, Borlänge Tidning, page 2:
- I socialt utsatta områden är brottstypen [biltillgrepp] ännu tydligare som strategiskt brott på vägen mot att bli yrkeskriminell.
- In socially vulnerable areas, this type of offence [car theft] becomes even more distinct as a gateway crime on the path towards becoming a professional criminal.
See also
- debutbrott (“debut crime; first crime committed”)
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