

Alternative forms


From Stoß (push) + lüften (to ventilate).


  • IPA(key): /ˈʃtoːslʏftən/
  • (file)
  • Hyphenation: stoß‧lüf‧ten


stoßlüften (irregular weak, third-person singular present stoßlüftet, past tense stoßlüftete, past participle stoßgelüftet, auxiliary haben)

  1. to ventilate by opening windows wide for a short amount of time
    Synonyms: durchlüften, lüften
    Um Schimmel zu vermeiden, sollte mehrmals täglich stoßgelüftet werden.
    To avoid mould, the room should be ventilated several times a day.
    • 2023 February 1, “Hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit trotz Lüften”, in Stuttgarter Nachrichten:
      Daher sollte man täglich ein paar Mal stoßlüften, dabei drehen Sie die Heizung zu und öffnen das Fenster komplett für einige Minuten.
      For that reason, you should ventilate a few times a day by turning the heating off and opening the windows wide for a few minutes.


Derived terms

Further reading

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