


Old French estamel


stammel (usually uncountable, plural stammels)

  1. (historical) A woolen cloth (used in medieval times to make undergarments).
    • 1564, William Bullein, A Dialogue Bothe Pleasaunte and Pietifull, London, page 11:
      [] booted he was after Saincte Benettes guise, and a blacke Stamell robe, with a lothlie monsterous hoode hanging backward []
    • 1606, George Chapman, Monsieur D’Olive, London: William Holmes, act II, scene 1:
      Our great men
      Like to a Masse of clowds that now seeme like
      An Elephant, and straight wayes like an Oxe
      And then a Mouse, or like those changeable creatures
      That liue in the Burdello, now in Satten
      Tomorrow next in Stammell.
    • 1671, Margaret Cavendish, “The Tale of a Traveller”, in Natures Picture Drawn by Fancies Pencil to the Life, London, page 525:
      [] the lusty Lasses, and merry Good-wives, who were drest in all their Bravery, in their Stammel Petticoats, and their gray Cloath-Wastcoats, or white wrought Wastcoats, with black Woolstead, and green Aprons;
  2. A bright red colour, like that of the stammel cloth.
  3. (UK, dialect) A large, clumsy horse.[1]
  4. (UK, dialect) A vigorous girl.[2]


stammel (not comparable)

  1. Of a bright red colour, like that of the stammel cloth.
    • 1611, “The Third Daie of the First Week”, in Josuah Sylvester, transl., Du Bartas his Deuine Weekes, London:
      The Violet’s purple, the sweet Rose’s stammell,

See also


  1. Thomas Wright, Dictionary of Obsolete and Provincial English, London: Henry G. Bohn, 1857, Volume 2, p. 905: “STAMMEL, [] A great clumsy horse.”
  2. B. E., A New Dictionary of the Canting Crew, London: W. Hawes et al., 1699: “Stammel, a brawny, lusty, strapping Wench.”



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  1. inflection of stammeln:
    1. first-person singular present
    2. singular imperative
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