
See also: staider


Alternative forms


From Middle French estudier.


staidéar m (genitive singular staidéir)

  1. study, act of studying
  2. steadiness
  3. act of staying
    • 1939, Peig Sayers, “Inghean an Cheannaidhe”, in Marie-Louise Sjoestedt, Description d’un parler irlandais de Kerry (Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes Études; 270) (overall work in French), Paris: Librairie Honoré Champion, page 196:
      Pé áit no pé tír go mbeidh stuidéir air, tair chugham-sa le scéala agus is maith é do luach saothair.
      Whatever place or whatever country he stays in, come to me with the news and your remuneration will be good.


Derived terms

  • cás-staidéar
  • halla staidéir
  • saoire staidéir
  • seomra staidéir
  • staidéar allamuigh
  • staidéar ama
  • staidéar ama agus gluaiseachta
  • staidéar cáis


  1. staidéar”, in Historical Irish Corpus, 1600–1926, Royal Irish Academy

Further reading

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