
See also: sto, stó, stò, što, -sto, -stö, and 'sto

Norwegian Nynorsk


  • IPA(key): /støː/

Etymology 1

From Old Norse -stǿðr.


stø (neuter singular støtt, definite singular and plural stø or støe, comparative støare, indefinite superlative støast, definite superlative støaste)

  1. steady

Etymology 2

From Old Norse stœða.


stø (present tense stør, past tense stødde, supine stødd or støtt, past participle stødd, present participle støande, imperative stø)

  1. to support (keep upright)
  2. to support (help)
    Eg stør arbeidet ditt med denne saka.
    I support your work on this cause.
  3. to lean against something
    Han var så sliten at han måtte stø seg mot veggen.
    He was so tired he had to lean against the wall.

Etymology 3

From Old Norse stoð.


stø n (definite singular støet, indefinite plural stø, definite plural støa)

  1. a block, beam or similar, which serves to hold something up
    Synonyms: lene, skorde
Derived terms

Etymology 4

From Old Norse stǫð.


stø f (definite singular støa, indefinite plural støer, definite plural støene)

  1. a place in the ebb where one can land one's boat
  2. a resting place for critter
    Synonym: sto



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