spjaldanna á milli
Alternative forms
From spjaldanna (“of the book covers”), the plural genitive with an definite article of the word spjald (“a cover of a book”) and á milli (“between”), meaning to "between the covers".
- (idiomatic) to from cover to cover
- 1850 Piltur og stúlka ("boy and girl") by Jón Thoroddsen elder (Icelandic text)
- Sigríður kunni allar Úlfarsrímur spjaldanna á milli.
- Sigríður knew all the Rhymes of Úlfar from cover to cover.
- Lesa bók spjaldanna á milli.
- To read a book from cover to cover.
- Ég er ekki kristinn en ég las alla Biblíuna spjaldanna á milli.
- I'm not a Christian but I read the entire Bible from cover to cover.
- 1850 Piltur og stúlka ("boy and girl") by Jón Thoroddsen elder (Icelandic text)
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