From Danish skikke (“to send”).
- to make someone do something, to order someone to do something (with the order coming from an authority figure such as a parent or the state)
- Synonyms: láta, skipa, skylda, neyða
- Hann var skikkaður í meðferð. ― They made him go to rehab.
- Hann var skikkaður til að hjálpa til við eldamennskuna. ― They made him help with the cooking.
- Hún var skikkuð með dómsúrskurði til að snúa aftur til Danmerkur. ― The court ordered her to return to Denmark.
- (archaic) to send; to deliver; to hand over
Usage notes
The first meaning is used with either til or í, "skikka til einhvers" or "skikka í eitthvað".
Related terms
- skikk
- skikkanlegur (“acceptable”)
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