


Blend of shrink + inflation. Popularized by economist Pippa Malmgren.[1]


shrinkflation (uncountable)

  1. (economics, informal, neologism) The practice of making products smaller while continuing to market them at the same price.
    • 2016, Andy Dawson, Get in the Sea!: An Apoplectic Guide to Modern Life, page 106:
      Chocolate bars are just the thin end of the wedge, though, and shrinkflation is happening in products right across the board.
    • 2021, Rosalind Masterson, Nichola Phillips, David Pickton, Marketing: An Introduction, page 489:
      According to the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS), shrinkflation most commonly affects food, drink and household products such as toilet rolls, nappies, tissues and washing-up liquid.
    • 2022 May 18, Caitlin Cassidy, “Shrinkflation bites: popular food brands quietly downsize while charging same price or more”, in The Guardian:
      Major cereal brand Kelloggs has also been accused of shrinkflation. Since 2019, the company had moved from selling 670 gram Crunchy Nut boxes for $6 to selling 640 gram boxes at $9 a pop, Choice found.
    • 2023 September 14, “Carrefour puts ‘shrinkflation’ price warnings on food to shame brands”, in The Guardian, sourced from Reuters, →ISSN:
      Consumer groups say shrinkflation is a widespread practice, which supermarkets like Carrefour are also guilty of in their own-label products.



  1. That Shrinking Feeling”, in Merriam-Webster, 2022
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