


sentence + -like


sentencelike (comparative more sentencelike, superlative most sentencelike)

  1. Resembling or characteristic of a sentence.
    • 2019 January 18, John Walkenbach, “Naming Excel VBA Subs and Functions”, in dummies:
      Some programmers prefer using sentencelike names that provide a complete description of the procedure.
    • 2022 May 1, Adam Fishbein, “What Birds Really Listen for in Birdsong (It’s Not What You Think)”, in Scientific American:
      We discern distinct melodies linking the clanks and buzzes of Song Sparrow songs, sentencelike structure in the Red-winged Blackbird’s pronouncement of conk-la-ree! and a cheery whistle in the wide-open-beaked songs of the White-throated Sparrow.
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