



  1. present participle and gerund of scallop


scalloping (plural scallopings)

  1. A scalloped pattern.
    • 1937, The Emu: Official Organ of the Australasian Ornithologists' Union:
      The more inland, lighter race is distinguished from A. u. uropygialis in being much paler on the back, by the edgings of the forehead scallopings and auriculars being paler, and by having the brown of the forehead less deep and less rufescent.
    • 1962 October, Brian Haresnape, “Focus on B.R. passenger stations”, in Modern Railways, pages 250–251:
      Elegant brick and stone buildings, with iron and glass canopies and decorative wooden scalloping and fencing—all evidencing care on the part of the architect to produce a pleasing, well-planned building—were submerged beneath a profusion of ill-conceived additions and camouflaged by vulgar paint schemes; and the original conception was lost.


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