síkra száll


Alternative forms


sík (flat surface) + -ra (onto) + száll (to fly; settle)


  • IPA(key): [ˈʃiːkrɒsaːlː]


síkra száll

  1. (idiomatic, with -ért or mellett) to champion, to come out in favor of, to come out in support of, to take up the cudgels for, to fight for something or someone, to fight someone's battles, to take up the fight
    Synonyms: harcol, küzd, kiáll, védelmére kel
    Írásunkban a helyes nevelési elvek mellett szállunk síkra.In our paper, we champion the correct parenting principles.


  • For the verb, see száll.
  • The inflected noun síkra remains unchanged.
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