raksturot (transitive, 2nd conjugation, present raksturoju, raksturo, raksturo, past raksturoju)
- to characterize, to describe (to name, to identify the essential features of someone, something)
- raksturot darba biedru ― to describe a co-worker
- raksturot savas klases audzēkņus ― to describe the students in one's class
- sīki raksturot ― to characterize in detail
- īsi raksturot ― to describe briefly
- raksturot latviešu jaunāko literatūru ― to characterize the latest Latvian literature
- sanāksmi viņš raksturoja par ļoti neizdevušos ― he described the meeting as not very successful
- “vienkāršs, atsaucīgs, izpalīdzīgs”... tā raksturo darbabiedri savu kolēģi ― “simple, generous, helpful”... like that his co-workers characterized him
- lai portretējamo personu raksturotu no vairākiem aspektiem, iekomponē pat dubultportrētu ― to characterize the person being portrayed from various perspectives, one composes a double portrait
- (of features, usually 3rd person) to characterize, to be characteristic, typical of (someone, something)
- cilvēku raksturo viņa attieksme pret darbu ― a person is characterized by his attitude towards work
- padomju jaunieti raksturo disciplīna, sīkstums un izturība darbā ― A Soviet youth is characterized by discipline, tenacity and endurace at work
conjugation of raksturot
Related terms
- Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “raksturot”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN
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