


quadralogue (plural quadralogues)

  1. A discourse or colloquy by four people.
    • 1967, Department of Defense appropriations for 1967: Hearings, Eighty-ninth Congress, second session, Parts 5-6:
      one of the first, things I did was to form a quadralogue between the Navy, in particular trie Secretary of the Navy, the Assistant Secretary for Systems Analysis, and myself (including our staffs, of course), and the subcommittee
    • 1969, Ohio State University Staff Report Issue 2, page 80:
      The consequence was that the Indian session often became a quadralogue with all the members speaking at once.
    • 2003, Hendrik Roelof Rookmaaker, Our calling and God's hand in history, page 250:
      Our discussion with the work of art is in fact not a dialogue but a quadralogue between the work of art and reality and two viewers.
    • 2004, Histoire Russe:
      In the preferred Dostoevskian model, the author creates a genuine dialogue or perhaps trialogue or quadralogue, that is, a polyphony, in which each voice plays an unchallenged role.



See also

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