quý vị


Alternative forms


Sino-Vietnamese word from 貴位 (honoured position).



quý vị

  1. (polite, respectful) you
    kính thưa quý vịladies and gentlemen

Usage notes

This term is used as a generic form of address in situations where the relationship between the speaker and the audience is unknown. In Vietnam, it is used in formal contexts, whereas bạn is used in informal and increasingly in semiformal contexts. In Overseas Vietnamese communities, bạn is relatively rare as a generic pronoun; quý vị and variations such as quý khách enjoy more usage in semiformal contexts, especially among older speakers.

Where the relationship(s) between the speaker and the audience is known, this form of address can come off as impersonal and even sterile. A kinship term such as anh, chị, em, các anh chị em, các ông bà anh chị em, các bạn, etc. is preferred where possible.


  • (you): bạn (informal; Vietnam)
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