

WOTD – 2 April 2006


Latin pulchritūdō (pulchritude) + -ous, from pulcher (beautiful) + -tūdō.


  • IPA(key): /ˌpʌlkɹɪˈtjuːdɪnəs/
  • (file)


pulchritudinous (comparative more pulchritudinous, superlative most pulchritudinous)

  1. (literary) Having great physical beauty.
    • 1994, Orson Scott Card, The Ships of Earth:
      But Shedemei had long since grown out of her adolescent jealousy of pulchritudinous girls.
    • 1966, Robert A. Heinlein, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress:
      “The first example in each series,” Mike offered, “would be, on the basis of my associational analyses of such data, of such pulchritudinous value as to please any healthy, mature human male.”
    • 1998, Carole Nelson Douglas, Cat in a Flamingo Fedora:
      “I had standing instructions to let any pulchritudinous females into Mr. Cooke’s dressing room,” Mike admitted.
      Pulchritudinous? He really said that?
      “No, I said that.”
  2. (obsolete, rare) That endows pulchritude; beautifying.


Derived terms


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