


From produkts (product) + -īvs. Probably not derived as such in Latvian, but borrowed and adapted from other European languages.


produktīvs (definite produktīvais, comparative produktīvāks, superlative visproduktīvākais, adverb produktīvi)

  1. productive (yielding many products, a large yield, production; successful; yielding good results)
    produktīvs darbsproductive work
    produktīvs lauksaimniecības dzīvniekiproductive livestock
    produktīvi kviešiproudcitve wheat
    Holande ir slavena ar ļoti produktīvu piensaimniecību: Holandes govis dod lielus izslaukumusHolland is famous for its very productive dairy farms: Dutch cows give high milk yield
    jo labāk, pilnīgāk cilvēks spēj prognozēt, jo sekmīgāk noris viņa darbība, jo tā ir produktīvāka un rezultatīvākathe more and the more fully people are able to prognose, the more successful their activity will be, because it will be more productive and more effective
  2. (in art, science) productive (able to create many works)
    neparasti produktīvais un iedvesmas pārbagātais Jānis Mediņš pēc savas trešās operas “Sprīdītis” operas žanrā uz ilgu laiku apklusa un sāka pievērsties simfoniskajai mūzikaithe unusually productive and inspired Jānis Mediņš was silent for a long time in the opera genre after his third opera “Tom Thumb” and began to turn to symphonic music
  3. (linguistics, of morphological processes) productive (frequently used to form new words)
    produktīvs priedēklis, piedēklisproductive prefix, suffix



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